Today we’re going to talk about giving yourself time as a seller to get everything prepared to move.

So many people call us wanting to list their house, but they want the sign in their yard the next day. Their house at the time is usually in no way, shape, or form ready to sell.

If you’re going to sell your house and it’s not an emergency—such as a death in the family, or a job change in a different city—I highly encourage you to come meet with us.

“If you’re going to sell your house and it’s not an emergency—such as a death in the family, or a job change in a different city—I highly encourage you to come meet with us.”

We do something called a coming-soon period for two to six weeks. This gives you time to get your house ready for listing. The goal is to present your house in the best possible way that we can. We can’t do that if you need to move in, say, 30 days, when you called us yesterday and expect it to be listed by tomorrow.

Your photos won’t look as good, your house won’t be staged properly, you’ll have items that need to be put into storage, your lawn/landscaping will need to be cleaned up, and so much more.

All those things and more besides will have to be done in order to present your house in its best light, which will get you the most return on the dollar. Few people want a fixer-upper; they want a house that’s move-in ready so they won’t have to do much with it. You’ll get more money for a home that is shown in optimal condition, and it will sell faster as well. Overall, it will be a much more pleasurable selling experience.

If have any questions about coming-soon periods, selling your house, or getting on the market, please feel free to reach out to me. I’d be happy to help you.